Data cubes

A data cube contains the flux distribution measured in an observation as a function of position on the sky (RA and Dec) and frequency (or velocity). The main purpose of MARTINI is to take a source as input and determine how its flux is distributed in an output data cube.

Data cubes in MARTINI

MARTINI uses the DataCube class to represent the data cube that will be output as the end product of creating a mock observation. This defines the extent of the region to be observed, both in position (angular apertures around a central RA and Dec) and in frequency or velocity (bandwidth around a central frequency, or velocity offset around a central velocity). The resolution is also defined by the number of pixels and channels that subdivide the region to be observed.

Using MARTINI’s DataCube class

When using MARTINI, most of the time the only interaction with the DataCube class is to initialize it and pass it to the main Martini class. This section therefore focuses on the parameters that can be set at initialization, but at the bottom there is a short mention of writing the state of a data cube to disk (and restoring from this).

Initialization parameters

The footprint of the mock observation on the sky is set by the five parameters: ra, dec, px_size, n_px_x, n_px_y. It is recommended to choose even numbers of pixels along each axis for n_px_x (RA axis) and n_px_y (Dec axis). The ra and dec parameters then control the location of the boundary between the two centremost pixels along each axis, the the boundaries of pixels going out from this centre are each offset in angle by px_size from their neighbour. For users accustomed to the FITS standard, the px_size corresponds to CDELT and ra and dec correspond to CRVAL, with CRPIX set to the boundary between the two central pixels (or the central pixel if an odd number is chosen). The ra, dec and px_size parameters should be provided with astropy.units with dimensions of angle.

In the spectral direction, the number of channels is set by n_channels and the location of the boundary between the two central channels (assuming an even number of channels) is set by velocity_centre (similar to CRVAL). The velocity_centre can be specified either as a velocity (astropy.units with dimensions of speed) or as a frequency (dimensions of inverse time). Similarly, the spacing between channels, set by channel_width (similar to CDELT), can be either a frequency spacing or a velocity spacing. Frequencies and velocities can be mixed freely, so a velocity_centre in Hz could be given along with a channel_width in km/s. Regardless of how the input is provided, internally the channels are spaced evenly in velocity. Since the frequency interval corresponding to a velocity interval is frequency-dependent, if a frequency width is specified it is converted to a velocity width assuming the frequency at the central channel (i.e. at the velocity_centre).

If a Stokes’ axis is desired, this can be enabled with stokes_axis=True.


The size of the array stored by a DataCube typically changes during the process of using MARTINI because some padding is applied to ensure accuracy when convolving with a beam, but will return to its original size after convolution or before writing out a mock observation. See the core routines section for an explanation.

A possible initialization of a DataCube looks like:

import astropy.units as U
from martini import DataCube

datacube = DataCube(
    px_size=15 * U.arcsec,
    channel_width=4 * / U.s,
    velocity_centre=1000 * / U.s,
    ra=45 * U.deg,
    dec=-30 * U.deg,

It often makes sense to place the source centre (defined by its RA, Dec and systemic velocity) in the centre of the data cube. A convenient way to do this looks like (omitting the particle data in the source initialization):

import astropy.units as U
from martini.sources import SPHSource
from martini import DataCube

source = SPHSource(
    distance=10 * U.Mpc,
    vpeculiar=-75 * / U.s,
    ra=45 * U.deg,
    dec=-30 * U.deg,
# the source defines a property called vsys
# defined as h * 100km/s * distance + vpeculiar
datacube = DataCube(
    px_size=15 * U.arcsec,
    channel_width=4 * / U.s,

Saving, loading & copying the datacube state

Because some operations that modify DataCube objects are computationally expensive, especially insert_source_in_cube(), some functionality to load/save/copy the state of a datacube object is provided. For instance, the result of inserting the source in the cube could be cached and the source insertion step skipped if the cache file exists like this:

import os
from martini import Martini, DataCube
from martini.sources import SPHSource
from martini.beams import GaussianBeam
from martini.noise import GaussianNoise
from martini.sph_kernels import CubicSplineKernel
from martini.spectral_models import GaussianSpectrum

# initialization parameters omitted for this schematic example:
source = SPHSource(...)
datacube = DataCube(...)
beam = GaussianBeam(...)
noise = GaussianNoise(...)
sph_kernel = CubicSplineKernel(...)
spectral_model = GaussianSpectrum(...)

m = Martini(
cache_filename = "cache.hdf5"  # note h5py must be installed
if not os.path.isfile(cache_filename):
    m.insert_source_in_cube()  # expensive step
        overwrite=False,  # set to True to allow overwriting existing files
    m.datacube.load_state(cache_filename)  # avoid expensive step


The save_state() method is not intended to save the result of a mock observation. Use the Martini class’s write_fits() or write_hdf5() methods for this purpose.

Another possible workflow is to copy a DataCube to create two mock observations that share some common initial steps and then differ later:

import astropy.units as U
from martini import Martini, DataCube
from martini.sources import SPHSource
from martini.beams import GaussianBeam
from martini.noise import GaussianNoise
from martini.sph_kernels import CubicSplineKernel
from martini.spectral_models import GaussianSpectrum

# initialization parameters omitted for this schematic example:
source = SPHSource(...)
datacube1 = DataCube(...)
datacube2 = datacube1.copy()  # placeholder, we'll replace it below
beam1 = GaussianBeam(bmaj=30 * U.arcsec, bmin=30 * U.arcsec)
beam2 = GaussianBeam(bmaj=15 * U.arcsec, bmin=15 * U.arcsec)
noise = GaussianNoise(...)
sph_kernel = CubicSplineKernel(...)
spectral_model = GaussianSpectrum(...)

m1 = Martini(
m2 = Martini(
m1.insert_source_in_cube()  # expensive step
m2.datacube = m1.datacube.copy()  # bypass expensive step


The example using copy() has a subtle potential pitfall. Because of the padding applied to the datacube when creating the Martini object in preparation for convolution with the beam (see core routines section), the two datacubes have different dimensions once m1 and m2 are initialized. A given beam requires a minimum pad size, so this example has been carefully constructed to copy the datacube associated with m1 (with the larger pad associated with the larger beam) into m2 (that requires a smaller pad because of the smaller beam). Trying to swap which DataCube is copied results in a pad that is too small when the convolve_beam() step is reached and raises an error similar to:

ValueError: datacube padding insufficient for beam convolution (perhaps you loaded a datacube state with datacube.load_state that was previously initialized by martini with a smaller beam?)

It is a known issue that this kind of workflow is quite a fragile construct. Some streamlining and simplification is planned for future code development.